Prescription Drug Addiction

Are you or a friend suffering from Prescription Drug Addiction? Contact us now for free advice on 01908 465322 or email

Prescription Drug Addiction is a rapidly growing worldwide problem. It is estimated that as many as 397,346  people in the United Kingdom suffer from drug addiction in one form or another. Often Prescription Drug addiction is not reported correctly or not even reported. I strongly believe the actual numbers of people addicted to prescription drugs will remain unknown due to many sufferers being unaware they have a problem. Prescription Drug Addiction causes more deaths worldwide than all illicit drugs combined. Trying to stop taking prescription drugs once addicted can be daunting and also incredibly dangerous if not done with professional help. Prescription Drug addiction in the UK is said to be rising rapidly with the ease in obtaining prescriptions for extremely addictive albeit legal substances.

No accurate figures or statistics have been gathered in relation to Prescription Drug Addiction in the UK so it is largely unknown the amount of people who are suffering from addiction. Having worked closely with rehab centres across the UK I have seen first hand the amount of admissions for Prescription Drug Addiction.Prescription Drug Addiction

Stopping taking prescription drugs can be extremely daunting. It is also highly dangerous without the correct professional medical advice and guidance. Some prescription drugs actually take longer to be detoxed from than Heroin due to the complex nature of the substances involved.

Here at Home Detox UK our team of specialists can offer the right help and detox programme for whatever drug you are addicted to. More importantly the help we offer is safe and can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Our team here at Home Detox UK all come from an addictions background whether it be first hand or through a family member. The important thing is we understand and are here to help. We can offer our Prescription drug Home Detox services in England, Northern Ireland, Wales & Scotland. We also offer a Prescription Drug Home detox in  South Africa.

We have Prescription Drug Rehab Clinics in South Africa, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Thailand, Switzerland, Dubai & India. Call us today for international help – +00441908 465322

Why wait? Beat your Prescription Drug Addiction today!

Call us on 01908 465322 or email for free advice.

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    More information on all drugs is available here.

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